Episode 2: Finding Peace in Loss and Change with Jamie Van Zanen
Episode 2 of the Nurturing Habit Podcast with Jamie Van Zanen and Doña Bumgarner
In Episode 2, I'm interviewing Jamie Van Zanen, who is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and also my sister. Jamie worked in hospice for a decade, supporting the dying and bereaved through end of life transitions. During that time she endured her own loss, and in the interview, talks about how experiencing the end of life of someone very close to her gave her a new empathy and perspective with her hospice clients.More recently, Jamie has begun working with clients at the other end of life - prenatal and postpartum moms and families, and has a special interest in working with women struggling to conceive.Jamie's experience at both ends of life gives her a really unique perspective on the universality of grief for loss and change, and she has some really excellent advice for caring for yourself, whether you are a caregiver for a dying person or a baby, or are experiencing some other kind of grief.Links to things we discussed in this episode:
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swiss psychiatrist, developed a model known as the five stages of grief, that grew out of her work with terminal ill patients. Her model was introduced in her book On Death And Dying in 1969.
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