How to see yourself as you really are, with Tara Whitney
About 10 years ago, I did a 365-day self portrait project. That’s one year. Every day. Taking a picture of myself. And then posting it on Flickr for the whole internet to see.
I don’t remember why I chose that project exactly. I know that I was at the end of a marriage, and I had lost track of who I really was. I knew who I was in that marriage, and I didn’t like her at all. But I didn’t remember who I was deep inside myself. I think I sensed that the process of looking at myself over and over through the lens of my camera would help me to find myself again. To see myself. And it did.
In this episode of Nurturing Habit, host Doña Bumgarner talks with Tara Whitney about the power of photography to shift how you see yourself. We also discuss how to be more authentic and to stand out on social media - just by being yourself.
In this week’s episode of Nurturing Habit, I got to talk with Tara Whitney, who is an accomplished family photographer. What’s magical about her style of photography is that she deeply sees her clients. You can see that in the photos, and you can hear it in how her clients talk about the experience of being photographed by her. She sees their inherent beauty and individuality. And by her seeing it, she allows them to see it. How does that change people?
Tara and I talk about how photographs can be a powerful tool in shifting the way you look at yourself and feel about yourself, if you are willing. We also got into a bonus conversation about social media and how be unique and authentic. If you struggle with how to stand out of the crowd and be real, while also keeping your private life private, you’re going to love this.
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