Keep It Simple: A Breakfast For Life At The Speed of Light

Keep it simple

One day last week, confronted with a fridge full of random food supplies and a cranky child at my knee, I threw together this breakfast for myself: Avocado mashed on a toasted whole wheat bagel. It isn't gluten-free, or paleo, or clean eating, or any of the other ways to eat that are trending right now. It isn't even pretty to photograph. But it was fast, I could make it while managing breakfast negotiations with the little one, and it kept me full until lunchtime.

This has been a week of not very many naps, of mornings that begin with begging for a TV show. A week of too many projects going on at the same time in the yard, strewn across my desk, and filling up my to-do list. It has been a week of us parents handing off a kid-shaped baton at the door in the evening and relying on iMessage the rest of the time to keep the business of this household running. This has been a week of too much, too fast, with too little rest and refilling.This is the kind of simple I need right now. Fast, easy, nourishing.What simple solutions have you found to get you through a crazy patch?