Soul-Fed Mama: Self Portrait Sunday - Hair
Our hair says so much about us, really. It says something about our heritage. It says something about our vanity, or lack of. It says something about how much time we choose to put into primping ourselves in the morning or on special occasions. It can be sensual or severe, soft or extreme.
I’ve been thinking about hair this week because after a few years of attempting to let my hair grow out I just had it cut back to a 2” pixie.And I couldn’t be happier.I was tired of dyeing it and styling it and messing around with hair products and blow driers and hair clips and I really just wanted it to be out of my face and simple. [Tweet "What does your hair tell the world about you?"]Has your hair style changed since you became a mother? Has it changed in different seasons of motherhood? Do you love to style your hair or hate it? Do you embrace your grey or cover it? Do you love your natural color or hate it?Let us see your hair.Share your self portrait on Instagram, Facebook or your own blog. Tag it with #soulfedmama or leave a link here so we can see each other’s photos.