Soul-Fed Mama: Quit The Mom Guilt

Quit The Mom Guilt, part of the Soul-Fed Mama Series on

Quit The Mom Guilt, part of the Soul-Fed Mama Series on

We all do it.  We compare ourselves to each other, to our own parents, and to some idealized version of a mother we’d like to be but can never quite live up to. The resulting mom guilt weighs us down, tires us out, and really serves no useful purpose.

Let the mom guilt go now. Here are 20 things you can stop feeling guilty about today:

  1. Wanting to take a nap. Even on a day when everyone slept through the night.

  2. Feeling annoyed (or worse) with your husband sometimes.

  3. Feeling annoyed by your kids sometimes.

  4. Wanting to stay home with your baby.

  5. Wanting to go back to work.

  6. Wanting a little more time to pursue your own interests.

  7. Wanting a weekend off.

  8. Not having a baby book for your second baby (or your first).

  9. Having a house not fit for drop-in guests.

  10. Not throwing birthday parties like the ones you see on Pinterest.

  11. Not making dinners that look anything like you see on Pinterest.

  12. Ordering takeout for dinner.

  13. Not enjoying floor play with your little ones.

  14. Hating the park.

  15. Feeling giddy about drop-off time.

  16. Missing your baby 30 minutes after drop-off time.

  17. Preferring to go to the grocery store alone.

  18. Taking a magazine into the bathroom and locking the door when you don’t actually need to pee.

  19. Getting behind on the laundry.

  20. Feeling nostalgic for your pre-kid life.

What other pieces of guilt can you let go of today?

This post is part of the 31-day Soul-Fed Mama series. Find the rest of this series here.