You Are Already Supermom
On those days when you are struggling, second-guessing yourself, not being the supermom you want to be, I want you to remember these five things.1. You grew a baby in your body. Or you opened your heart and arms to one. Either way, you offered up your body and heart to this calling.
2. You give up sleep, the best bites on your plate, the immediate pursuit of your personal dreams, and (more than) half of your pillow.
3. When you reach the end of your rope you find more rope.
4. You kiss boo boos, wipe bottoms and clean up vomit. You pick up toys, wear silly hats, and do all the voices for their favorite books.
5. You make sure they know they are loved, even when they are throwing tantrums, talking back, being surly teenagers, and otherwise acting unlovable.You don’t have to try to be a supermom. You already are.You already are.